Sunday, March 27, 2011

March Adventure: Geocaching!

I officially love geocaching! My friend Knitia suggested geocaching for my March adventure and I decided to take her suggestion. I am so glad that I did. It is like treasure hunting! I love it! Saturday I embarked on finding my first cache! I went to Sahm park where there was a cache "just off the trail." I found out that the compass app I installed on my phone was not accurate. I found a radar app that worked, unfortunately I didn't not figure this out before I took the LONG way around to get to the cache.  However, I suppose that going the long way around gave me a better work out.

 Here is a demonstration of my path:

The Red Mark is the location of the Cache, where the blue dash line starts on the far right is
where I started, moving from right to left. You can see how I went the LONG way around!

I got a little cut up by thorns, and broke two nails trying to open the cache, but I still had so much fun. 
After I got home I couldn't wait to find more caches. So I got online to see what other caches were around and found there was one in Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve, one of my very favorite places to hike. So I loaded Dude Monkey and we went to find the cache. We found this one very easily. It wasn't very far down the trail, which was not great for getting a good work out, but was ok, because it was FREEZING!  Here are some pictures of the caching! I really like this hobby and I think I am going to keep doing it in addition to my other challenges and adventures! Cloud Dancings Heartsong likes it too, so I think we are going to do it together. 

To learn more about geocaching visit:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

I am very happy to report that I have lost another 1.2 pounds! That puts my total at 27lbs!! HOORAY!

I haven't checked my other stats recently, but I will next week!

So, I have been eating pretty well. I hadn't been tracking but i am getting back in the habit with that, and I am gearing up to increase my exercise. Slam-Slam is going to join the gym with me so that should increase the amount of time that i go! I am still planning to continue my Total body conditioning class and my zumba class each week!

I have also selected my upcoming challenges and adventures:


March Challenge: Only sit on my stability ball at home

March Adventure: TBD Geocaching!!

April Challenge: Take a bike ride with dude monkey everyday (except bad weather)

April Adventures: Learn to play Disc Golf

In addition to these things I am doing the 2011 Mutt Strut with Queen Bee and Cloud Dancings Heartsong, along with our pooches!

that is all that is happening right now. I am also terribly behind in watching the joy fit club members getting inducted. that was my inspiration for this whole thing, along with my friend Punchy Brewser! So I'll get caught up on that and tell you what i learn! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Delinquent Blogger

I have been an incredible blog slacker! I have not been tracking my food, and I have not been blogging! I have still been exercising (I even exercised on my vacation!!) and I am happy to report that during this little blog hiatus I have NOT GAINED! I only lost .4 pounds... but that is better than gaining, especially given i spent a week in Hawaii, and while I exercised a few times I ate pretty much whatever i wanted!

I have a lot of updating to do, and I pormise to do it this weekend! In the mean time I desperately need ideas for daily challenges and adventures!

I have some ideas (dodgeball league for example) but there are timing issues with doing them right away! I'd love to squeeze in some adventure this month!