Friday, February 25, 2011

Weigh In Update

I know I have been a terrible blogger this month. But I have lost weight. I lost the two pounds that I gained plus one more. so i have finally reached my 25 pound goal!!!! HOORAY!  Now I get my prize, a date night of my choosing. My husband and I are about to go on a special vacation, and I think that will be a perfect opportunity to have that date. 

I also have some other important number updates:

I lost 0.4% body fat ! 
I also lost ONE inch of my waist! 

and since the beginning of this journey I have decreased my BMI by 3.9 points! 

I am so happy that I am still making progress. I am really committed to making more.  It has taken me longer than I expected to get this far and I am really hoping I can start to make more consistent  progress! 

While on our trip I hope to be able to incorporate some really fun and different kinds of exercise! 

I'll post more on that next time! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Weekly Weigh In and update

I know I am a really bad blogger. I should have weighed in last week but I was too depressed. Last week I GAINED TWO POUNDS! I so thought I was over that yo-yo hump. but apparently NOT. There is a little good news, I lost 1 pound this week. So I am only one pound up from two weeks ago.

I would love to say that I don't know how this happened... but I do. Last week the weather was terrible and everything was closed. I didn't work out as much as i normally do. To my credit I did work out ONCE, i burnt 246 calories. But i should have worked out more to make up for the good cardio workouts that i usually get. ALSO, instead of eating really healthy. I ate like TOTAL crap! I was like on calorie holiday or something.

I got back on track last weekend and I lost one of those pounds that I gained. I am doing the stair challenge again this month since i didn't do it at all, not sure what my adventure is going to be yet.

I hope I can buckle down and start getting this weight OFF!!!!