Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-In and Weekly Wrap-Up

So the first week of this journey is over and I am very happy to report that.....

I am so happy! As far as I am concerned, any loss is a big success! Here is the wrap up of the week:

Food Tracking: I completely tracked my food for 3 days of the week, partially tracked for 2 and did not track at all 2 days. This is not a perfect record, but it is definitely improvement over what I was doing! On the days that I have completely tracked, I have found that I am able to use that information to help me make better choices than I otherwise would. I am sure that the days that I did not track I went WAY off the wagon. I'd go back and fill in, but I have no clue what I ate! I did slip up once with a soda, a late night chili run and a snickers.

Exercise: So... I am not sure how to rate how I did on the exercise front this week. I did not go to the gym at all. But, as I wrote earlier, one big fitness/ active accomplishment was my 45 minute hike with Punchy Brewser at Clifty Falls. According to sparkpeople, I worked off 591 calories on that hike!  I also did a lot of walking with my mom and spent a good deal of time on the playground with the Dude Monkey. I also must confess that I completely forgot my Textercises last night. I left my cell in the car and didn't even check it all night. I have done last night's and tonight's textercises this evening to make up for it. (In other news, Giggles reported this morning that she did last nights textercises in the cookie aisle at walmart, with her son and a poor unsuspecting couple as witnesses!

Accomplishments: 3lbs lost!, only one soda all week (this is huge, I was such a soda junkie), also have been drinking a lot more water

Improvements to make: More food tracking and more exercise! 

I need more ideas for challenges and adventures! Please give me your input!!! In the coming week, I'll be accomplishing my first adventure (the Pleasant Run Run!)! Wish me luck! I will also be scheduling at least one of my 6 zumba classes with Knitia!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work girl. Very proud of you :)

    Queen Bee
