Monday, November 1, 2010

October is gone... and November Challenges and Adventures are ready to begin!

October has come and gone already! My Adventure for October (The Pleasant Run Run) was a huge success and I participated in my October Challenges pretty well for the most part. I wasn't too terrible on Halloween. I bought candy I didn't like so that helped a lot. However, My neighbors had good candy though, so I did have a couple of pieces of that.

I'm resolving to do more physical activity in my everyday life! One way that I plan to do that , is by doing fun and active things with the dude monkey. I am going to try to enroll him in a baby swimming class and a baby tumbling class. That will help. I have also decided I am going to do a stretching routine everyday. I feel like I need to be more limber and that is something that I can easily do everyday. It seems like a good way to start the morning. And I am challenging myself to NO MORE DRIVE THROUGHS! This serves two purposes, one, it forces me not to be lazy, and two, it may prevent me from going to fast food entirely. Sometimes it is just so convenient to get a snack by going through the drive through, it seems almost like an automatic decision. but now if I have to get out and go in, I am making a conscious decision to eat that, and maybe while I am thinking about it, I'll pick a healthier option.

This brings me to my challenge and adventure for November: Introducing the Park in the Boonies Challenge. And I am not just talking about parking a little ways out or after the last car in the row. I am talking about parking in the absolutely furthest spot away. I am allowing for a few exceptions to the rule:
1. if i have a particularly surly dude monkey
2. if it is pouring the rain and I do not have an umbrella

My adventure for the month will be Hiking the local trails! I think spending the last little bit of Fall on wooded trails seems like a great way to get some exercise. I am definitely going to do Fort Benjamin Harrison, and I'd like to do Mounds State Park in Anderson. Other than that I am open to suggestions. I need two more hiking trails to go on for this month.

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